AQEST provide its experience and expertise for all types of activities related to optical submarine cable.

Some of these services are summarized below:

Circle Question Marketing 

Circle Check Etudes de faisabilité

File Signature Accord de construction et de Maintenance (C&MA)

Anchor Circle Check Etudes préalables (DTS)

Book Open Contrats de fourniture 

Forward Fast Suivi de l’implémentation du projet 

Screwdriver Wrench Maintenance 

AQEST can help you to better understand the market, to bring your products into this highly specialised field, or to inform you about what happened yesterday, what is happening today or what could happen tomorrow in this unique field...

Thanks to their technical experience (system design, route study, terminal station study, maintenance of submerged equipment, etc.), economic experience (traffic and market study, competition study, financial analysis, business plan, project financing, possible company structure, etc.) or legal experience (regulatory analysis, legal analysis, environmental analysis, etc.), AQEST is able to provide conclusive, high-quality feasibility studies, raising all possible problems and risks in all phases of the project. 

This important document, which governs relations between partners throughout the life of the system, must be carefully studied. The members of AQEST have already negotiated and drafted many C&MAs and can provide you with support and advice throughout the creation of this document, to ensure that your interests (and those of the project) are respected.

These studies are necessary for the smooth running of the project. They ensure that everything is in place at the right time for the project to be implemented smoothly. AQEST will help you study the permit procedures, visit landing sites to ensure that they have been chosen correctly, draw up a detailed environmental study required for the issue of certain permits, study the seabed on maps to ensure the quality of the route chosen (bathymetry, geology, oceanography, study of the seabed, etc.), study fishing zones, contact any fishermen's associations, meet the various authorities responsible for issuing landing permits, and so on.

Thanks to the wide-ranging experience of its members (operators, suppliers, consultants), AQEST is perfectly capable of drafting, negotiating and finalising a contract for the supply of a submarine cable system, whether between one or more suppliers, an operator or a consortium of operators.

Quality project management! Whether it's factory testing, technical and commercial cohesion between the various entities (buyers, suppliers, financiers, subcontractors), marine representation, system acceptance testing, or any other activity, AQEST will ensure that your project is in line with the signed supply contract and up and running as quickly as possible!

Once the system is up and running, you will need a quality service to centralise information on any faults so that you can quickly study the causes and repair them as quickly as possible. AQEST can also offer you maintenance supervision for your project.

... and so many other things!

Contact us to let us know your requests or concerns!


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